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The mad and bad.

We simply can’t escape Covid 19. Or more to the point, we can’t avoid the downstream effects of the response to it. The truth eludes us. No matter how some might try to bury their heads in the sand and wish it to simply be a thing of the past, until we know the truth we can not feel safe.

The story around this catastrophe and our personal experiences have over the last three years changed how we see the world.

Today, March 2023 we have the main-stream media on a global scale, pushing the same narrative it always pushed. Is the origin of the virus zoonotic or laboratory in origin? The big problem is that after all this time, there is still no debate or rational investigation into the most obvious of origins from the toady main stream. Instead we just get shonky media spin which supports the preferred and officially acceptable nonsense that the virus was zoonotic in origin; from an animal at the Wuhan market. Incredulous amidst the information that is readily available out there telling us the opposite. Today it is the Racoon Dog theory.

The paradox of this information age, where we have on one hand access to more information than we have ever had before and on the other, the constant attempts to control that information on an unprecedented level, leaves many of us over whelmed and confused. Those media outlets, leaders, and confused people whose job it is too seek the truth keep up the confusion by telling us what they want us to hear. At best it’s as though we have cognitive issues in making sense of it, propaganda is a manipulative force, it’s hard to tell lies from fact. At worse, this is subjugation. Through a cruel and brutal means of personal vilification those who more often than not have a financial incentive to defend the absurd, chastise any others who do not go along with the ‘mainstream narratives’. It get’s worse still, everything has a consequence. That which we are not being told through appalling journalism and desperate attempts to hold onto power and funding, means those who should be held to account are not.

Instead after all this time and with so much evidence at hand, the nonsense keeps coming. It does matter how we got where we are with this pandemic. How health authorities and how Governments responded was dependent upon what they thought they were dealing with. With complete disdain for those who have pointed at the Wuhan Institute of Virology since 2020, and with no independent investigation and no debate from those scientists and officials who are financially captured as are all journalists who are employed by the State, Governments, Corporations, we continue to be sold the convenient yet highly implausible story that tells us a natural origin is most likely the origin of the virus. But there is no proof. Yet the reason they say there is no enquiry into the ‘lab-leak’ theory is because of the same reason. So why might it be that the lab-leak theory never gets the attention it well and truely deserves?

Media, journalists, scientists and all of those who proport to have our best interests at heart fail incomprehensibly in their handling of this truth. The danger remains, not from Covid, but from those unregulated scientific laboratory experiments using Gain-of Function technology that were used when experimenting with the guilty Coronovirus. science has in it's unregulated state emerged as a ruthless, reckless and dangerous beast. It has evolved into something unrecognisable from the old public good science it used to be.

Even dogs at the western version of markets are registered, micro-chipped and under the thumb of regulation. Regulation is supposed to keep us safe. Science has become an unregulated business.  

Ask an evolutionary biologist with serious hinterland (years of experience) about the link with Raccoon dogs and covid and you might get a different perspective to the propaganda being thrown out there by the state/corporate funded news reports.

Woman made - Scientist Shi Zhengli

There has, contrary to main stream understanding been much investigation into the subject of covid origins. As much as has been allowed, The mine in Tongguan, Mojiang County, Yunnan where Shi along with her team collected the bat guano in 2012 was closed quickly after it became known as the source of the original bat to human RaTG13 sars like coronovirus which killed some of her team. Not long after this the US moratorium on gain of function research was enforced. Those brave public good maverick scientists are confident the coronavirus responsible for Covid 19 was man made or woman made in this case. The evidence is there and has been for some time. In contrast those scientists who struggle with the evidence are relegated to using burner phones at midnight. But the truth just keeps on seeping out.  

The coronavirus experiments of the lethal kind were undertaken in Wuhan, under appalling safety standards. This is a science that was and remains unregulated.  

Sloppy unethical Gain-of-Function experiments have been going on for ages in the USA with numerous
laboratory accidents over the years.  After the  US moratorium on Gain- of- Function in 2014 because of the very real perceived risk to humanity, scientific organizations like Eco Health Alliance moved to Wuhan, China, to continue these practices to avoid scrutiny. These highly risky experiments continue as we breathe.

A 'lab leak', where it appears that the experiments involving humanised mice with human Ace 2 receptors that effectively make mice lungs more human and a horse-shoe bat Coronavirus which spreads animal to human was a lethal combination. The virus that was collected from that bat cave in Tongguan 2012, by a team led by the scientist at the heart of the 2019 Covid controversy,  Dr Shi Zehngli  of the Wuhan Institute of Virology under the guidance and funding of one Boston based  Prof Peter Daszak, of Eco Health Alliance have alot of questions to answer.

This was an experiment that went very badly wrong. In all probability the virus was out amongst the Wuhan population much earlier than we are led to believe and coincidentally the lab was very close to the Wuhan market where an extensive list of the animals kept and openly available to view, did not include any Pangoline or Bat or any other animals with antibodies for this virus. Instead Lab workers who were working with bats and dangerous coronovirus using Gain of Function experiments, often shopped there. Extraordinary coincidences but not complex. Ever since the ‘leak’ those who have the most to lose have been trying to cover it up. There simply is no animal to date that has been found with the virus Sars Cov2.  

Like a dog with a bone and with no scientific evidence, no peer reviewed paper at all, in fact no paper, other than a ‘press release’ not for publication, the recent claims that Raccoon dogs are to blame keep coming from those who have the most to lose if the truth be known. It beggars belief.
This, coincidentally, at the same time as the
USA senators and congressmen unanimously call for evidence to be released relating to the origins of the virus.

The truth will out.
Whereas the preposterouslythe natural zoonotic theory never appears to need evidence to support its claims as the source; the alternative, the virus made in a laboratory in Wuhan, where the evidence is staring us all in the face does not get a look in. Evidence based information use to be a good indication of transparency. It helps us make sense of complicated issues. So we wait with baited breath for good scientists and for good governance to reveal what really happened. Slowly and cautiously the truth is

But heads will roll, rats will flee the ship, Gain-of-Function funding might cease, again. Industry corruption and lies on a scale we would never have imagined would be exposed if such an investigation took place into the origin of the man-made virus that changed our lives. Wil they allow this to happen?

Gain-of Function experiments and funding must end if scientists and those who proport to have our best interests at heart, want to prevent  
this from happening again. 

We need to start talking sense, and this starts by understanding what we are being told and what we are not being told. The storyline will continue to emerge and how it evolves will depend upon those in charge of the narrative. The evidence is there, we just need to be able to see it.

Great reads to enlighten:

Viral by Matt Ridley and Alina Chan
What Really Happened in Wuhan by Sharri Markson